Can Crocs Go In The Washing Machine? The Answer Might Surprise You!

You probably have an opinion on can crocs go in the washing machine if you wear them. Most likely, it’s either of these two things: 1) without a doubt, we can wash them in a washing machine! They are composed of rubber crocs, so you should never wash them in the washing machine. If you do, your shoes will smell musty. Let’s learn the factual background of these fashionable shoes.

You’ve come to the right site if you’re trying to figure out can crocs go in the washing machine. We’ll provide you with the information you need to answer this intriguing topic and details on what happens if you wash crocs in a machine like the Giantex Portable Washer and why it might not be the best decision. To learn more, keep reading! BUY ON AMAZON

Why Is Crocs Footwear So Popular?

Can Crocs Go In The Washing Machine
  1. First, they are reasonably priced, making them accessible to anyone.
  2. Second, they are practical for people of all ages and are comfy.
  3. Thirdly, they are simple to put on, which is helpful while running brief errands. It is also available in a multitude of designs.

One can pick from leather or furry crocs and wedges and heels. The removable lining on the fuzzy crocs makes the footwear cozy and plush. While the wedges and heels of crocs are not exceptionally high, the leather croc types resemble closed leather shoes.

There are many other styles of Crocs available now, with the traditional clog continuing to be one of the most popular options. But there are also clogs with fur inside, puff boots, heels, sneakers, and sandals. It made these sneakers to be durable. People who wear Crocs carry them everywhere, in the rain or the sun. When your excursion is over, it can leave you with a dirty or unpleasant pair of shoes, and you wonder if you can crocs go in the washing machine. It turns out that cleaning your Crocs effectively and safely involves a little skill, despite the seeming simplicity of the question.

Before we discuss how to wash your crocs, let’s look at a few facts regarding Crocs.

What Materials Do Crocs Use?

Before attempting to wash your shoes in your preferred SUPER DEAL Compact Mini Twin Tub washer, you should first learn how to wash the material they are constructed of safely. Only then will you be able to determine can crocs go in the washing machine. BUY ON AMAZON

SUPER DEAL Compact Mini Twin Tub

Croslite, a closed-cell resin, is used to create Crocs. This is a creative term the business given to a foam resin substance. Ethylene-vinyl acetate is the name of the polymer used to make it (EVA). Rubber and plastic are not the same stuff as this. The structure is meant to be both comfy and lightweight. Since the Croslite is not permeable, the perforations on top of the Crocs allow airflow and prevent moisture buildup.

EVA is a flexible and soft substance that is elastic. It doesn’t hold on to smells or moisture. It is highly resilient to UV rays and stress. Given these advantages, it is simple to understand why it is so well-liked for outdoor activities.

Despite all these beautiful qualities, Croslite has one weakness: heat. High temperatures can harm its integrity, resulting in cracking or shrinking.

The default settings on washing machines, like the COMFEE’ Washing Machine, frequently use hot water, which can get so warm that it damages or shrinks the EVA material. Other materials have been used to create several Crocs styles. Others are made of canvas, suede, or wool, while others are made of leather or have fluffy linings. These materials each need to be cleaned using a slightly different technique. BUY ON AMAZON

COMFEE' Washing Machine

Steps to Follow When Using a Washing Machine to Wash Crocs

Washing Machine to Wash Crocs

To learn can crocs go in the washing machine there are alternative cleaning techniques for Crocs that might be a little more laborious but pose less of a threat to your lovely pair of Crocs or even your washing machine. But if you insist on using a washing machine, follow these instructions:

1 – Know Your Material for Crocs

Crocs come in various styles, including shoes, slides, and clogs. Even though the new LiteRide Material and the patented CrosLite Foam Material are used to make the majority of Crocs, both of these materials are synthetic. However, some of them also contain natural Leather elements.

  1. Only place Synthetic materials if you intend to wash your Crocs in a washing machine.
  2. When you wash a natural fabric like leather in your washing machine, the leather will absorb the water, start to fold, and finally fracture because leather is often not water repellent.
  3. For Crocs that have a pleasant and cozy appearance thanks to the fuzzy lining in the insoles. The lining must be removed or separated before being washed separately.

2 – In a Towel, Wrap

To protect your Crocs from tearing or damage caused by the rotating agitator blades of the washing machine, wrap your footwear in a towel before placing it in the machine. Your Crocs may get damaged if they get caught between the blades, as well as the blades themselves. Take the precautions; there’s no point in ruining your washing machine only to clean your Crocs.

Extra Advice:

You may also place them in a pillowcase and knot them tight if you don’t have one of these bags.

3 – One Pair at a Time, Place Your Crocs in the Washing Machine

To avoid jamming the machine and causing the agitator to become stuck, you must place each Croc you wish to clean into the washing machine one at a time. No matter how big your washing machine is, it should be evident that there is little room within. You can try it if you have a sizable washing machine that most likely can accommodate more than one. But it’s advised that you take your time.

4 – Softly and Gently Wash Your Crocs

Ensure it tunes the washing machine to the “soft” wash setting before setting it. Your Crocs are less likely to become stained and destroyed in this environment. For it to clean properly, you might need to run it for a while. Your Crocs are thick and solid, unlike garments that are easily compressed.

If the agitators spin too quickly while the machine is churning, a clog could result. Pun not intended.

5 – Apply Cold Water

Remember to wash your Crocs in the washing machine with cold water—this is the most crucial step. The croslite and LiteRide foam materials behave like a synthetic version of rubber, which expands when heated. As a result, when you wash your Crocs in hot water, the heat will cause them to expand, leading to damage or a change in shape. You only need to cold-wash them to get them clean.

6 – Air Dry Following Washing

Even though the dryer uses heat and convection to remove moisture, you should resist the urge to use it to dry your Crocs after cleaning them.

Remember that heat expands and could harm your Crocs. Thus it is not recommended to put them in the dryer. Brush away the water with a dry piece of cloth after washing, then set the item out in the sun for a few minutes to dry thoroughly. Avoid being in the sun’s direct rays.

Can You Wash Crocs in Cold Water in the Washing Machine?

Can You Wash Crocs in Cold Water in the Washing Machine

Yes is the apparent response to this. Many believe that the best way to guarantee that your clothes and shoes are clean is to wash your Crocs at maximum temperature. It is not the case, though. High temperatures readily harm your shoes, clothes, and colors—the high-cost results from energy usage.

Lower temperatures or cold water work well for cleaning your shoes. All you have to do is use the suitable detergent and adhere to the instructions on the machine. While most washing machines go up to 30°C, a washing machine’s option to clean with cold water can go as low as 20°C. Croslite polymer, sensitive to temperature, is used to make crocs, as we already said. As a result, they only advised you to wash the crocs in cold water and dry them on heaters. If you put the crocs in hot water, the polymer softens and can shrink or grow, making it challenging to fit.

Additionally, you can spend less money washing the crocs in cold water than in hot water. The machine’s cleaning power barely decreases due to the cost savings. So, you don’t have to worry about whether your shoes will be clean.

Quick Tips for Cleaning Your Favorite Crocs Shoes

We can add varnish to white crocs to help you get rid of any stubborn stains. To keep the crocs in their original shape after cleaning, stuff them with white paper. The crocs will soon smell good and appear pristine!

While washing crocs, you should also protect the cleaning equipment. You must check the crocs to ensure there are no components that could harm the drum before putting them inside the machine. Clean the dirt from any objects, if any.

Cleaning Advice for the Holes and Straps

  1. It’s fantastic if you’ve managed to keep your Crocs looking tidy. However, you could note that the straps and holes still require more care. You have a few choices if this is the situation.
  2. Use pipe cleaners as one method of removing dirt from the holes. You can attempt to do this task with an old toothbrush or use the baking soda and vinegar approach.
  3. It can also clean the Crocs strap with a toothbrush.
  4. Before using the toothbrush or pipe cleaners to cleanse white Crocs, we advise utilizing the Magic Eraser method. With this technique, the whites will appear much brighter.

Without A Washing Machine, Clean Your Crocs

You might wonder how to make white Crocs brighter if you discover they have lost their brilliant sheen. It can remove most stains with a machine wash. However, occasionally there may be a few that are very difficult to eliminate.

Pre-soaking your shoes in a solution of water and detergent is one approach to achieve this. It can remove the dirt off the Crocs by soaking them for around 30 minutes and then using your hands or a soft brush.

You Can Treat Crocs by Using a Solution of Water and Bleach

Often, treating the difficult-to-remove stains only requires giving the shoes a little longer time in the soap. We can clean crocs using a solution of water and bleach in the worst-case situation.

  1. To a gallon of water, add two capfuls.
  2. You can scrape them with a brush while they soak.

Bleach can make the Croslite more brittle, just like heat can, so if you decide to use it in your cleaning procedure, be sure to dry your crocs in a relaxed environment. It would help if you never immersed your Crocs in undiluted bleach because of this. If you attempt to clean your shoes in this manner, they will most likely be destroyed.

Utilizing the Eraser is another tactic. You may already be familiar with this for cleaning counters, floors, and walls, but it also works well on white Crocs!

Vinegar and Baking Soda to Clean Crocs

Even though Croslite foam is made to be stain- and odor-resistant, Crocs can eventually begin to smell, mainly when used outdoors. In this situation, washing them in mild soap and water might not be sufficient to eliminate the smell. Sometimes the foul smell persists even after machine washing. You’ll be relieved to learn that baking soda and vinegar will work if you discover that your shoes require treatment with a solution to eliminating odors. For decades, this time-tested power cleaning combination has been used to deodorize and eliminate stains on various household objects.

  1. Combine baking soda with one part white vinegar to clean Crocs with a paste (never use apple cider or rice vinegar!)—Two parts water.
  2. It should completely cover the Crocs with the paste.
  3. After letting them sit for up to 30 minutes, properly wash everything off.
  4. As vinegar can smell very strongly in a tiny, enclosed space, place them to dry in an area with good ventilation.

Hire a Cleaning Service

Suppose you’re a lazy person like me. You can bring your Crocs to any place that offers shoe cleaning services, including a cobbler. They will clean your Crocs professionally with specialized cleaning agents and chemicals to remove any stain and odor if you cannot afford the cleaning products, do not have the time to do it yourself because of your busy schedule, or don’t want to.

So you won’t have to worry about accidentally or carelessly harming your Crocs.

How Frequently Should Crocs Be Cleaned?

Naturally, the response to this query relies on your usage of Crocs and your activities while wearing them.

Cleaning your Crocs once a month or every 4-6 weeks should keep them from getting too filthy or smelly for most folks who wear them frequently. But there’s no reason you can’t clean your shoes more frequently if you’ve noticed a tendency for them to start smelling. A light hand washes or scrub with baking soda and vinegar should be accessible on the material if you need to clean your Crocs every few weeks. You won’t have to spend much money on cleaning supplies; it is also quick and inexpensive.

What Recommendation does the Brand Manufacturers Offer for Cleaning Crocs?

Can crocs go in the washing machine before we get to the end? We want to take a moment to let you know what the brand suggests before giving you our final judgment. The best course of action is always to wash your items according to the manufacturer’s instructions. We list the care instructions for each Crocs style below.

1 – The Croslite Classic Clog and Additional Designs

Hand washing Crocs in cold water and a mild soap is the simplest method. The Classic Clogs and other models manufactured with Croslite foam are cleaned using this technique.

As you might with delicate items you don’t want to wash in a machine, you can alternatively hand wash them in cold water.

2 – Soft Crocs

It would be fantastic if the fuzzy Crocs’ interiors could be removed, but sadly, that is not the case. The manufacturer advises hand washing these designs in warm water with mild soap. Let your shoes air dry after cleaning. It should not dry in a dryer.

3 – Heels and Wedges

Synthetic material glue-bonded to the sole makes up the wedges and heels. They shouldn’t be placed in heated situations as a result. Additionally, stay away from solvent cleansers, which might damage the glue. We can easily remove any soiled areas with a moist cloth. No soap is required.

4 – Suede and Wool

Brush cleaning and waterproofing spray application are required for these materials. Plastic or flexible wire can make the brushes. You may clean the fleece lining with mild soap and moist cloth on a wool design.

5 – Leather

The Smooth Napa, Patent, and Standard Leather styles are among the various leather Crocs varieties. The company advises using a moist cloth to remove dirt and dust from the Smooth Napa Leather. After everything has been well cleaned, apply a shoe cream or wax spirally using a cotton brush.

A moist cloth or any product used with patent leather should clean patent leather Crocs. Avoid using soaps and detergents to clean your shoes because they will dull the sheen on the patent leather. It can securely clean classic Leather Crocs with a moist cloth or a brush because they are unfinished. Apply a shoe cream and polish once you’re done!

6 – Canvas

Use a moist cloth and mild soap to clean canvas and elastic materials. These patterns can lose their elasticity and material integrity if washed or dried.

7 – How to Dry Crocs

Your Crocs must ONLY be allowed to air dry after you’ve done cleaning them. You cannot put the shoes in the dryer, even if they get wet while being cleaned. The shoes may break, shrink, or deform if exposed to extreme temperatures. The heat might also damage adhesives.

Although it may tempt, please don’t put them on a low-temperature dry cycle. You’ll be much less likely to harm your Crocs if you leave them out to air dry.


Because they are lightweight and waterproof, Crocs are trendy shoes, especially during the summer. But can crocs go in the washing machine as other shoes? The answer is you can. There’s no need to worry that the crocs will ruin the washing machine. Because Crocs are so light and float, you may safely clean them in the machine.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are crocs sized accurately?

A: Yes, Crocs are comfy, roomy shoes that fit true to size. The correct shoe size should match the size of your ideal crock for most standard models. Traditional crocs, however, can run a little giant.

Is it possible to wash shoes in a washing machine?

A: Use a slow or no-spin setting on a gentle, cold water cycle to wash your shoes. Do not forget to remove the laces and insoles before putting them in a zipped mesh bag. This keeps your favorite sneakers in good condition and shields your washer from harm.

Can you put Crocs in the dishwasher to clean them?

A: We advised using a warm washcloth and only a light detergent to clean, followed by air drying. Please do not launder your Crocs shoes in the dishwasher or washing machine since exposure to heat may cause the Croslite material to shrink.