How to Wash a Dog Bed without a Washing Machine

If you don’t have access to a washing machine or don’t want to waste the water and power required to run one, cleaning your dog’s bed can be difficult. Fortunately, there are various alternatives to using a washing machine to clean your dog’s bed, including products found around the house or at local stores and laundromats. By following these instructions, learn how to wash a dog bed without a washing machine in a few minutes!

Is It Possible to Wash a Dog Bed?

Thankfully, the answer is a loud “yes!” to this question. And cleaning your dog’s bed is a crucial part of your regular cleaning routine. Most dog beds include a removable cover that makes cleaning a breeze. Beds without covers, however, can be vacuumed and spot cleaned.

Why Is It Necessary To Wash The Dog Bed?

Dogs are masters at bringing love and wags into any room, but they’re also masters at tracking muck and detritus outside into their beds. If you don’t clean your dog’s bed, it will not only smell bad but also attract all kinds of hazardous bacteria and fleas.

Maybe your pet’s bedding has a strong odor, a couple of lint rollers aren’t getting rid of the loose dirt and hair, or the stain remover isn’t working on that one stubborn urine stain. Look no further if you’re wondering how to clean a dog bed. To provide your pet a secure and comfortable place to rest their head at night, we’ve put together this advice on how to wash a dog bed without a washing machine.

Why Would You Need A Washing Machine To Clean A Dog Bed?

  1. You can hand wash your dog bed in a bathtub if it’s too big to fit in the washing machine.
  2. If you don’t have access to a washing machine.
  3. Hand-cleaning is required for removable dog bed covers that cannot be machine-washed.
  4. If you have the most expensive washing machine, such as the Frigidaire FFTW4120SW, at home. BUY ON AMAZON
Frigidaire FFTW4120SW
  • Even with the Snow White of washing machines, there are occasions when throwing your dog’s bedding into it is not an option!
  • You have a Great Dane on your hands. Along with him, he has a Dane-sized bed (highly unlikely that his bed will fit into your machine)
  • You bought a bed that didn’t come with removable covers, and even though it’s machine washable, it won’t fit in your top-loader washer.
  • The bed mentioned above isn’t machine-washable, so it’s a no-go even if it fits in your machine.
  • You spent a lot of money on a high-end dog bed with a high-end cover, and you’re scared the machine will ruin it.
  • You’ve discovered the ideal dog bed, with removable and washable coverings.
  • Then you read the bad reviews about how the cover shrinks, tears, and disintegrates in the wash.

Hand Washing a Dog Bed in 5 Easy Steps

Dog beds without removable inserts might be challenging to clean because they are practically never machine washable. So, how to wash a dog bed without a washing machine? If this is the case, use these six steps to hand-clean your dog bed:

1 – Vacuum the Dog Bed First

Clean every inch of the dog bed using your vacuum’s head attachment, including the exterior, interior, and between seams. The goal is to eliminate all dog hair, grime, and debris, including some that aren’t visible to the naked eye.

2. Remove Stains on the Spot

Use a paper towel to absorb liquid if your dog’s bed is soiled or stained. In some circumstances, an enzyme spray or stain remover may be required. Please make sure they’re pet-friendly. For example, the Lemi Shine Multi-surface Disinfecting Spray is a safe bet. It’s not only devoid of harsh chemicals but also safe for pets and people with allergies, asthma, and other sensitivities that can be increased by solid chemicals like ammonia and bleach, according to Shipp.

3. Soak in a Tub of Hot, Soapy Water

Fill a tub or sink with warm water and some unscented laundry detergent, depending on the size of your dog bed. Submerge the bed in the water until it is thoroughly saturated, then set it aside for 10-15 minutes to dry. If the bed is filthy and the water has become brown, drain and replace the water, then soak the bed for another 5-10 minutes.

4. Add Baking Soda to the Mix

Remove the bed from the tub or sink without wringing it, and sprinkle baking soda all over it. Then, take a scrub brush and scour every bed nook. Baking soda, in addition to being an excellent cleaning agent, is also effective in absorbing odors, according to Shipp. This is especially useful because the detergent you’ll be using is odorless.

5. Thoroughly Rinse

Drain all the water from the tub or sink you’re using while cleaning the dog bed with baking soda. Refill it with clean water and submerge the bed in it. Begin kneading the bed to remove any remaining detergent or baking soda. You may have to drain and replenish the water several times to eliminate all the soapiness.

6. Wring It Out and Dry It

Start wringing out the bed once it’s clean to eliminate excess water. Remember that the more water you remove from the bed, the faster it will dry. Place the dog bed outside, on a mat, or a drying rack in indirect sunshine once you’ve removed all the water you can. Depending on its construction, it may take many hours for your bed to completely dry.

Few Easy and Quick Steps for Cleaning Your Dog’s Bed

When washing your dog’s bed, the first thing to consider is their bed, as different types of mattresses require different treatments. There are two types of dog beds for cleaning: those with removable covers and those without.

1 – Removable Covers for Dog Beds

The dog bedding and the removable cover should be washed when washing dog beds. Remove the cover from a dog bed with a removable cover and double-check the label to determine if it can be machine washed. If it may be washed, do it, as usual, keeping in mind the following guidelines:

  1. Vacuum your dog bed to remove any excess dirt or fur before washing.
  2. Use a pet-safe detergent that is non-toxic.
  3. Clean at the hottest temperature possible to eliminate bacteria.
  4. Run an additional cycle to ensure that all of the detergents are removed.
  5. Do not use dryer sheets; instead, air dries the bed or put it in a low-heat dryer.
  6. Run the washing on empty with one cup of vinegar to eliminate any remaining filth or pet hair.

You’ll want to hand wash any dog bed covers that aren’t machine washable and follow the same methods as you would for dog beds with non-removable covers.

2 – Non-Removable Covers for Dog Beds

Beds that do not have removable covers must be washed by hand. Here are step-by-step guidelines for safely doing so:

  1. Remove any filth or fur from your dog’s bed with a vacuum.
  2. Fill a large basin or bath with enough water to completely cover your dog’s bed.
  3. Soak the bed in warm water for 10-15 minutes using a non-toxic detergent.
  4. Scrub with baking soda and a toothbrush to get into the corners and remove any leftover scents.
  5. Rinse the dish well.
  6. Drying it in the sunlight after wringing it out.

Following these instructions will give your dog’s bed a general cleaning, while pet beds with stains may require additional measures.

How to Choose an Easy-to-Clean Dog Bed

Aside from machine and hand washing, you can dry clean a dog bed, but most people don’t think it’s worth the money. Is dry cleaning a $50–$90 bed worth it? Most likely not. You can’t be sure that the solvents are safe when they come into touch with dogs.

As a result, it’s essential to go for something low-maintenance and easy to clean regarding dog beds. Here are a few things to think about:

  1. Before buying a dog bed, read the label. Check if the bed is machine washable or has a removable cover that may be readily washed.
  2. Because experts recommend washing your dog bed every other week, make sure it’s made of a robust material that can withstand so many washes.
  3. A waterproof dog bed is a good investment if your dog is prone to accidents.

How to Remove Urine and Other Stains from a Dog Bed

You may be asking how to wash a dog bed with pee or other stains now that you know how to keep a dog bed clean in general. If your dog’s bed has stains that won’t go away after being washed, there are a few options for cleaning it.

Use a pet-friendly detergent to spot clean moderate, surface-level stains that require a little more care, such as those caused by dirt and mud. Work the detergent into the stain with a towel or a brush in small circular motions, and then wash the bed as usual after the stain has been lifted.

Try an enzyme cleanser for stains that require more vigorous treatment, such as those caused by urine or feces. Enzyme cleaners break down the organic stuff that causes the stain by adhering to it and breaking it down at its source. Before washing the pet bed, follow the instructions on the package to use an enzyme cleaner. Vinegar products should be avoided because they may neutralize the cleaner’s benefits.

Important Note: To protect your dog’s skin, avoid applying solid chemicals on the entire bed for tougher stains.

How to Keep Your Dog’s Bed Clean

Keeping your dog’s bed clean is essential for various reasons, including its health and your family’s hygiene; however, there are some steps you can take to keep it clean for a more extended period and avoid having to deep clean the bedding more frequently. To keep a clean and sanitary dog bed for your fur baby to sleep in, follow these tips with our how to wash a dog bed without a washing machine guideline:

  1. When vacuuming your flooring, make it a practice to vacuum the dog bed as well.
  2. To eliminate bacteria and eradicate stale odors, expose the mattress to direct sunshine at least once a week.
  3. Sprinkle baking soda all over the bed and let it sit for a few hours before vacuuming.
  4. To protect the bedding from stains, use a removable waterproof cover.
  5. Bathe and groom your dog regularly to keep your home free of pet hair.
  6. If their paws have been soiled while playing outside, wash them immediately.
  7. Wipe clean the bedding with a moist wipe soaked in a solution of equal parts water and apple cider vinegar to sanitize the material and prevent flea larvae.
  8. Clean stains on the spot with warm water and a light detergent.

The hygiene of your pet dog’s sleeping quarters is critical for their health and yours! As a result, we strongly advise you to deep clean your dog’s bed regularly and use the above methods to maintain it clean for everyone’s benefit!

How to Keep Your Pets Clean

Washing your dog’s bed regularly is one of the simplest ways to ensure it stays clean. To safeguard your pet’s health and safety, wash their beds once a week or at least every 2 weeks, according to PetMD.

There are a few other things you can do between washes to keep your pet clean:

  1. Regularly vacuum your pets.
  2. When your dog comes in from outside, wash its paws.
  3. Invest in a waterproof cover.
  4. To destroy bacteria, place the bed in direct sunshine.
  5. Wash the bed with a 1:1 mixture of water and apple cider vinegar to keep fleas away.

You can help keep your pets clean and your home safer if you follow these tips.


Depending on your bed and where you reside, washing your dog’s bed can be challenging. Some beds are machine washable, but if yours isn’t or you don’t have access to one, you can still efficiently clean your dog’s bed with these simple steps! You may rest confident that your furry buddy will always have the cleanest, most sanitary, and safest sleeping area available by following this guide on how to wash a dog bed without a washing machine!

Frequently Asked Questions

How Often Should A Dog Bed Be Laundered?

A: To keep your dog’s bed safe and free of fleas and dander, wash it every other day. If your dog goes for walks, dust, grime, and urine may gather on their bed. A vacuum can remove the fur and dust from the entire bed in addition to washing. It can help you avoid having to launder your bed regularly.

How often should a dog bed be replaced?

A: After all, dogs tend to accept our judgment and will often imitate our actions if they believe it is appropriate. If everything else fails, acquire a new bed. It’s possible that the bed is just no longer comfy, so replacing it once a year is appropriate.

Is a dog bed essential?

A: Arthritis, hip dysplasia, and other joint problems can occur as dogs age. A supportive dog bed is essential to aid these concerns by cushioning your dog’s body and providing comfort from the pain linked with age-related health problems.